Tonights boys basketball game at Fairview is cancelled and will be rescheduled for Tuesday Feb. 8th. with a freshman tip at 4:45pm.

Due to continued snow and icy road conditions, school will again be closed tomorrow (2/4). Decisions about Friday night’s events will be made tomorrow afternoon so stay tuned for more information. Please continue to stay safe and warm!

The Girls basketball game vs Fairview tomorrow night has been postponed until Feb. 12th here at Ayersville. Jv tip off will be at 2pm with the varsity game starting around 3:30pm. We will evaluate other contest for the remainder of the week in the coming days.

Due to Winter Storm Landon, Ayersville Local Schools will be closed on Wednesday (2/2) and Thursday (2/3). Please stay safe and warm!

Due to Winter Storm Landon, Ayersville Local Schools will be closed on Wednesday (2/2) and Thursday (2/3). Please stay safe and warm!

Please click this link for updated information in regards to contact tracing in Defiance County Schools: https://5il.co/152bp.

Parents of seniors: Be sure to remind your senior to check the scholarship listing on the guidance website! So many local scholarships available with deadlines approaching!

Congratulations to the We the People team for all their hard work that went into competing. Unit 3 (Isaiah Jospeh, Daniel Hinojosa, and Jacob Stiltner) received an award for having the highest score in the state on their Ohio question and Unit 5 (Luke Schroeder, Cassidy Hench, and Grace Muelman) received the top score at Ayersville.

We are keeping a close eye on the weather system predictions over the next few days. However, please remember that at this time, Ayersville is scheduled for a 2-hour delay this Wednesday (2/4) for staff training.

Shoutout to Kaitlyn Ketcham who placed 2nd @ Iron Maiden girls tournament in Bellefontaine this weekend. Keep working hard!

We would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Drop Zone and Padrones for their amazing donation of pizzas for our homecoming dance! We are very lucky to have great businesses support us within our district! Thank you again!

Homecoming game tonight…Ayersville(11-3) versus Pettisville(10-6). JV tips off at 6pm. Get your tickets online, https://www.vancoevents.com/us/events/landing?eid=16544

Students: remember to purchase your 2022 Winter Homecoming tickets for the dance tonight! Tickets can be purchased at the following link: https://www.vancoevents.com/us/events/landing?eid=18435

Both Varsity and JV boys basketball picked up wins tonight over Edgerton! Boys were wearing shirts in support of a huge Pilot fan, Julie Frederick! We miss seeing you at games but look forward to having you back in the Hanger! #JulieStrong #PilotNation #GotYour6 #GoPilots

Ahead at the half, Varsity Quiz Bowl fell to Edgerton, 75 to 150. Zora Drees and Daniel Hinojosa were the team's leaders. JV suffered a similar defeat, 10 to 90. Lucas Dennie was the sole scorer.

From Mrs. Goonan's 8th Grade English: Students were given a conflict resolution topic, 60 seconds to prepare a solution, and 20 seconds to present to judges who then determined the best way to handle the problem. Excellent participation and results!

From Mrs. Goonan's 7th Grade English:
Students are working on reinforcing cause and effect writing strategies using dominoes as hands-on visual aids.

On Saturday, January 22, several of our Ayersville Band students participated in the OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest held at Bryan High School. Throughout the day students performed solos and small groups for judges in difficulty Classes A, B, and C (A being the hardest, C the easiest). Many of the students have been working hard since late November to prepare for Contest and their hard work paid off with the following ratings:
Class A, Braeden Scheirer;
Blass B, Tori Klinger;
Class C, Cheyenne Willms, Xander Miles;
Excellent II;
Class B, Lucas Dennie, Dawn Hibbard, Katie White;
Class C, Katherine Ricica, Paige Hagerman, Trumpet Trio (Cheyenne Willms, Sadie Sutton, Paige Hagerman).
A special thank you also goes to their accompanists Ms. Stehura and Ms. Schultz.

Shoutout to the swim team with both boys and girls picking up wins over Lima Central Catholic. See results attached!

Our Winter Homecoming Ceremony will take place this Saturday night between the boys JV and Varsity Games against Pettisville. Congratulations to our 2022 Winter Homecoming Court!