Anatomy II Lab

Anatomy II students recently wrapped up their study of the digestive system and have moved on to the nervous system. Students are currently learning parts of neurons, types of glial cells, reflex arcs, and nerve impulses. Next up, students will be learning about the structures and functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. In the picture, students are testing reaction time by separating cards in specific arrangements. 

Anatomy I students have just completed a Chemistry unit over organic and inorganic compounds. Students completed a nutrition lab, in which they had to record what was eaten and determine if they were following the recommendation for each category, like carbohydrates/sugars. Now, students have started reviewing information learned in Biology about cells. Students recently reviewed cell organelles and types of transport and will study cell division and protein synthesis before the end of the chapter. 

Biology students have learned about how cellular respiration works to create ATP (energy) for the body to use. Cellular respiration is a difficult topic and students had to think critically about how the presence of oxygen and the type of organism can change the type of cellular respiration. During this unit, students were asked to create an informational poster on how lactic acid is formed, how it affects you, and how to reduce lactic acid (as seen in the picture below). We are now learning about the detailed process of photosynthesis. 

Seventh grade scientists continue to learn about the Moon. We have recently learned about solar and lunar eclipses. Students demonstrated their knowledge of the positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon and the shadows of an eclipse by creating a BrainPop animated movie. We have now shifted into how the positions of the Sun and Moon affect Tides. Students can explain how daily tides occur and have learned new terms like Spring and Neap tides to describe the difference in the tidal range. Next up, seasons! 

ACT Science Preparation students have recently rotated and started a new study session. During this time, students have learned about the ACT test, read tips and tricks specific to the science ACT, and identified types of passages that will be on the science ACT. Junior students are now practicing science ACT test questions with a time limit.