Mrs. Reiner's room

Government: The Principles of the US Constitution 

Students are diving into founding documents of the United States. This week they did review stations on the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Northwest Ordinance. They also tackled reading Articles I-VII of the Constitution and filled out a subsequent outline.  They then categorized the Constitution on the founding principles of limited government, checks and balances, separation of powers, federalism, and popular sovereignty. They are gearing up next week to get into Antifederalist and Federalist arguments about the Constitution and learning all of the Bill of Rights. 

US History: The Industrial Age

Students just finished their unit on founding documents and will be moving into the industrial age of American History.  In this unit they will do shark tank presentations on “new” inventions and make movie posters over important moments in the labor movement.

AP US History: Finishing Period 3: 1754-1800 

Students are wrapping up Period 3 of the AP US History curriculum.  They practiced long essay questions, multiple choice questions, and short answer questions pertaining to the period 1754-1800. They covered the Seven Years’ War up to Jefferson’s presidency.  The class worked extremely hard and are now enjoying the movie Hamilton, which covers Period 3 material. 

We the People: Developing Skills for Simulated Congressional Hearing

We the People have been working hard on skills needed for their team hearing in December and subsequent competition in Columbus in January.  They have worked on tying current events to class material, public speaking through discussions and speech reading, and writing essays where they take a position and defend it with facts and research.  Students will continue working their way through the We the People curriculum which is moving from the philosophical foundations of the US government to the construction of the US Constitution.